Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Seek God for the City - Day 15: See Him. Seek Him.

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We are continuing to Seek God for the City, following this great plan laid out by Waymakers.  Our new weekly focus is:spiritual awakening of lost and broken people.  Under that umbrella, we are seeking God this week on behalf of Asia and the Pacific. Today, we are seeking God on behalf of elderly people, and asking Him to rescue the desperate.

Man, they were close.  Oh, so close.

After two years of travelling from Egypt
 (including some extended stays) the Israelites were on the cusp of entry into the Promised Land.  It had been a long trip, but now they were here.  God instructed them to send twelve spies into Canaan to check it out. Numbers 13 and 14  tell the story.  The spies came back and all agreed that this place was awesome!  It did indeed flow with milk and honey -- they all agreed...but...all but Caleb feared they (forgetting that it was God's promise) could not defeat the current residents.  Afraid the people would follow Caleb's lead, the other eleven not only told the nation that they were afraid of the people living there, but they lied and said the land itself was bad (v. 13:32).  And the people rebelled.

So instead of leading them to victory in Canaan, God pledges to keep them in the desert for forty years, until all who had left Egypt died, (save Caleb and Joshua) and only their descendants would enter the land. 

Can you imagine?  The same people who saw the Egyptians struck down by the plagues while they lived, who saw the Red Sea swallow up Pharaoh's army while they walked through on dry land, the same people who saw manna from Heaven, water from rock, who saw the very Presence of God in the cloud and fire, doubted He could lead them into Canaan.
And God stayed with them as they wandered.

They saw God - but didn't seek Him.  

Had they sought the heart of the One whose miracles they saw with their own eyes the would have walked victoriously into the Land of Milk and Honey.

Instead, they wandered.
Choose to seek and see.  

Believe what you see.

Have faith that His power is real for you.



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