Sunday, March 4, 2012

Seek God for the City - Day 12: Getting in position to seek

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We are continuing to Seek God for the City, following this great plan laid out by Waymakers.  Our new weekly focus is: spiritual awakening of lost and broken people.  Under that umbrella, we are seeking God this week on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific. Today, we are seeking God on behalf of government leaders, and asking Him to call people to sincere repentance.


So, seeking God?  Where should we look?
How should we look?  Can we better position ourselves to see?

Matthew 18:2-4 says: (Jesus) called a little child and had him stand among them.  And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.   

So then, what does it mean to 'humble ourselves'?  I recently listened to then read a sermon from John MacArthur, here's an excerpt:  "The humility of a child, what do we mean by that? Well, children are humble. What do we mean when we say they're humble? They have no achievements. They have no accomplishments. They have no personal means to achieve or to accomplish. We're talking about infants, little ones. They have no ability to chart their own course, they have no wisdom to face the world. They have no ability to protect themselves, to provide for themselves. They are weak. They are dependent. They are immature. They are ignorant. They are simple minded. They are vulnerable. They are in desperate need of care and that's exactly how it is for those who enter the Kingdom. We recognize that we have no achievement, no merit, no accomplishment. We are weak, ignorant, dependent, immature, ignorant, simple-minded, vulnerable. We can't defend ourselves. We can't achieve anything by some accomplishment. We have no ability for those kinds of things. We have no credentials. We have nothing to offer. A baby has no personal worth or glory, having accomplished nothing. 

That's what you have to be like or you won't even enter My Kingdom."
From John MacArthur's Grace to You.

The same principle applies to seeking God...after all, we are seeking His Kingdom first, right?  So, in order to seek Him, to see Him, we must get into position; we must admit that we are "
weak, ignorant, dependent, immature, ignorant, simple-minded, vulnerable. We can't defend ourselves. We can't achieve anything by some accomplishment. We have no ability for those kinds of things. We have no credentials. We have nothing to offer."  

That is childlike faith.  That is the position from which we can see our way into the Kingdom.



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