Monday, April 18, 2011

ListenDaily: Help me keep the rocks quiet

(This message is also available at:

In the church year, this is Holy Week. After a few weeks of writing (somewhat sporadically, I know) about what’s been going on with us, and with me, let’s talk about Jesus, shall we? Yesterday was Palm Sunday.

Jesus was riding into town. He was not on some great and mighty steed, which would have symbolized a king coming to make war, but rather He came riding a donkey, symbolizing a king who comes in peace.

But still a king.

As the crow shouted their praises, the church officials got upset. Funny, they talked about God all the time, and yet in the face of Truth, they still considered their own positions to be most important. We have to always watch out for that, still, leaders who talk about God, but whose actions place themselves on their own thrones. Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” I tell you,” He replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19: 39-40

Some would suggest this was a little hyperbole on Jesus’ part. I don’t know about that, I don’t see a lot of hyperbole in His demeanor. I think this news was so great that the earth itself would respond if the people didn’t. We’ll talk about this more when we get to Good Friday, when the earth did cry out.

But for today, let us remember this; the Gospel is such an explosive story that a lid cannot be kept on it for long.

Satan tried to keep it quiet.

He had Herod try to kill it off by slaughtering babies.

He tried to talk Jesus out of it.

He thought the crucifixion would kill it.

But the Gospel cannot die.

My prayer for myself, and for you, is that Satan would not be able to use us as a lid to cover up the Gospel. May it swell up so much within us, may it vibrate within us. May we not be able to keep our mouths quiet. Psalm 8:2 says that even as children we were ordained to praise God. May we do what we were called to do!

Shalom, Pastor Jim

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Amen and Amen. Really needed to read this this morning.