Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In the beginning... l

ListenDaily - 04 January 2010: In the beginning...
Happy New Year!

After a much longer break than I ever imagined, the ListenDaily study is back online. I have a whole bunch of whiny excuses, but I digress.

"Happy New Year!" Here we are on the first (for most of us) work day of 2010. It's a new beginning. Have you made any resolutions? Broken any yet? Whenever I think of New Year's resolutions, I always think of the Apostle Paul's resolution (1 Cor. 2:2); For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Paul obviously knew other things, I think he was saying that he was resolving to see Christ in everything and everyone, nothing -- no one -- apart from Christ. I can't help but wonder if Paul was thinking over the creation story -- "In the beginning, God..."

What a great thought for the beginning of a new year -- "In the beginning, God..."
What a great thought for the beginning of a new day -- "In the beginning, God..."

What a great thought for the beginning of a new job, a new semester, a new family -- "In the beginning, God..."

God desires to make new creations of us all. (Consider all the Scriptures about new birth, and "create in me a clean heart".) Is there anything changing in your life? Anything you want to change? Go back to the beginning. "In the beginning, God."


1. Have you made any resolutions? 2. What is God's place (not religion, not church) in those resolutions? 3. What would it mean for you to put God in the beginning of your resolutions?

"A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God." Charles Finney

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