Thursday, July 5, 2012

Born to Reproduce: Day 6 - Growing Up

Today we continue our study on Dawson Trotman's Born to Reproduce.

Please read pages 13-19 in the booklet, or the section entitled "Spiritual Babes",  which starts at the very end of page 2 in the online document.

Dawson Trotman says:  "One other thing that can keep people from having children is immaturity. God in His wisdom saw to it that little children cannot have babies.  A little boy must first grow to sufficient maturity to be able to earn a living, and a little girl must be old enough to care for a baby."

Where do you think you are, spiritual maturity-wise?  This is not a question of knowledge - knowledge of theology, doctrine, the Bible or whatever; as Trotman goes on to say, "I know many people who can argue the pre-, the post- and the amillennial position and who know much about dispensations, but who are still immature."

No, this is a matter of growing up, growing close.  It is a matter of submission and application; a matter of right living.  Don't get me wrong, theology is important!  Study is important!  But only if the move you toward Christ.

There was a time when each of us found all the fulfillment we needed in someone feeding us, putting us to bed, holding us, and making the occasional funny face at us.

But we grew.  We developed.  Relationships became important, as did responsibility.  Doing the right things and doing them well.  Raising our families.  When we see that adult who still thinks and lives like a teenager, self-centered and avoiding life's responsibilities we shake our heads, right?

Trotman makes the case, and I could not agree more, that what we disdain in the physical world, we make generous allowances for in the spiritual world.

Salvation is important (the church falls short in that message as well, but that is for another time).  However, salvation is but the first step.  Jesus did not say 'go ye and make church members' or 'go ye and make converts', He said "go ye and make disciples"!  

The church has been struggling with this from the beginning.  Paul wrote a letter to the church in Corinth saying "Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly —mere infants in Christ.  I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready."

What would Paul say in a letter to your church?


How "grown up" do you feel?
What steps do you take to keep growing?
What challenges does your church face in this area?

All Scripture is taken from the NIV, 1984 edition, unless otherwise noted.
Quotes marked with an asterisk (*) are taken from : 
Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. Print.

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