Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Born to Reproduce: DAY 5 – Impairment

Today we continue our study on Born to Reproduce
Dawson states that there are three hindrances that can prevent spiritual reproduction that have direct correlations to similar hindrances to physical reproduction:  in both realms there must be union, there must be a certain level of maturity, and there must not be a preventative disease or impairment.  It is the last of those three which we will discuss today.  

About this, Dawson says:  “Another factor that can hinder reproduction is disease or impairment to some part of the body that is needed for reproductive purposes. In the spiritual realm sin is the disease that can keep one from winning the lost.

Sin is the disease.

If we have determined, as asked in our last discussion, that we want to make disciples, ( in Dawson’s terms – that we want to have spiritual children), and if we have determined to live in union with Christ, then the next step in to live healthy lives.

Sin is the disease.
We must address this carefully, but accurately.  Do you have to be sin-free in order to begin to disciple someone else?  That is a tall order.  The world is a messy place.  God calls us toward holiness and perfection, and that is the direction to which we must be moving.  But we are not to wait until we are perfect before we reach to disciple, to mentor someone else.

Still, sin is the disease.

We are all prone to error.  We all slip up.  Let’s just say it – we all sin.  But one thing that will constantly keep us from bringing others into discipleship is ongoing, intentional, unrepentant sin.  That is a disease in our spirits; a disease that brings death.  James wrote about it this way:  but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.  Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:14-15)

What we are seeking here is spiritual reproduction that leads to new life.


Can a person be saved and continue in a lifestyle of sin?  

What kind of sins might these be?  

Are there any traces of these in your own life?

All Scripture is taken from the NIV, 1984 edition, unless otherwise noted.
Quotes marked with an asterisk (*) are taken from :
Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. Print.Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. Print.

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