Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seek God for the City - Day 40: Is it over?

We are continuing to Seek God for the City, following this great plan laid out by Waymakers

Our weekly focus is: to seek His visitation; welcoming Christ our King.  Under that umbrella, we are seeking God this week on behalf of Jerusalem. Today, we are seeking God on behalf of the coming generation, and for Christ to visit our communities with His presence and saving power.

It has been several days since I have written here.  It has been a tough time; more tragedies involving young people...two more local teenagers have taken their own lives in the last two weeks.

The Seek God for the City 40 days may have come to an end, but the urgency to seek Him increases.

It is Palm Sunday.  The 19th chapter of Luke tells us:  As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it  and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

Jesus was days away from ending His earthly ministry -- and His heart was breaking; no one knew who He was.  The crowd thought He was taking over the government; the Pharisees thought he was a troublemaker. He was the answer to all their problems, and they couldn't see past themselves to the Truth.

So, here we are.  For forty days we have sought God for our city.  But as I look around, as I read the headlines, as I visit with grieving families, I realize we have not finished anything.

I hope we have just begun.

I hope and pray that each of us will look over our own city and weep.

I hope and pray that each of us will look over our own city and that our hearts will be broken.

I hope and pray that each of us will look over our own city and realize just how much we need Jesus...and who He really is.

I hope and pray that each of us will look over our own city, and pray, and witness, and disciple.

It rained for forty days and the new world was begun with Noah and his family.

Moses spent forty days on the mountain and saw the Glory of God.

Elijah spent forty days in the wilderness and heard the voice of God.

Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness to prepare for His ministry and forty days after His resurrection to prepare the church.

What has happened to you during this forty days?  What is your next step for the Kingdom?

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