Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seek God for the City - Day 3 & 4 - Spiritual anorexia

My Day 3 post never got posted!  Ahhh....but prayer continues, as we continue to Seek God for the City, a prayer initiative from Waymakers

Our weekly focus continues to be Praying through hope; Revival of the church.  Under that umbrella, today has, like each of the forty days will have, a specific action, a specific people group, and a specific geographic region that we are praying for.  

The specific action for yesterday was "to rescue us from sin's power"; today's is "to purify our hearts".  

Yesterday's people group was the unemployed, today's is pastors, and I thank you!

As for the region for the entire week; we are seeking Him on behalf of the Americas and the Caribbean.
Deuteronomy 4:29 says "...if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul...."

But how do we do that?  How do we seek God?  Why do we seek God?

Seeking God is not a geographic issue.  We don't have to go to a certain mountain, city, country, building, or room to find Him. Rather, it is a heart issue.  We need God.  We need His presence, His guidance, His peace, His love, His salvation...but we are so convinced that we don't need Him.  Oh, we might not say that, but what do we do?  

Anorexia is a horrible disorder.  Anorexics would never say that they don't need food.  Yet, they deny themselves the very thing they need to live because they are convinced they can live without it.  But without it, they become first weak, then ill, and eventually they can starve themselves to death.

And, "man does not live by bread alone, but by every words which proceeds from the mouth of God."

To not seek God is the spiritual equivalence of anorexia, and it is a horrible disorder.  Spiritual anorexics would never say that they don't need God.  Yet, they deny themselves the very thing they need to live because they are convinced they can live without it.  But without it, they become first weak, then ill, and eventually they can starve themselves to death.

Come friends...taste and see that the Lord is good, after all, ... you will find him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul...

1 comment:

Ed Surowiec said...

Nice message Jim , it reminds me of our trip into "The Desert" as a place where we begin to grow.