Friday, May 20, 2011

ListenDaily: Why May 21st is bad for the church


I am taking a pause from our look at Ephesians 6: 10-20; I just can't ignore Harold Camping any longer. If you haven't heard, Mr. Camping is the guy that is saying tomorrow is judgment day. I've talked in a couple of groups this week, and the people I've talked to range from amusement to anger, concerning this issue. Many folks say that "at least his heart is in the right place' or "maybe some good will come of it".


So David assembled all Israel, from the Shihor River in Egypt to Lebo Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim. David and all Israel went to Baalah of Judah (Kiriath Jearim) to bring up from there the ark of God the LORD, who is enthroned between the cherubim—the ark that is called by the Name. They moved the ark of God from Abinadab’s house on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio guiding it. David and all the Israelites were celebrating with all their might before God, with songs and with harps, lyres, timbrels, cymbals and trumpets.

When they came to the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. 1 Chronicles 13: 5-10

The first time I read this, many years ago; I could not understand why God would strike down this well-intentioned man; all he wanted to do was keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling. Further study and explanation brought me to understanding. God was specific about how, where, in what manner, and by whom the Ark could be touched. All those things were being violated here.

Poles were to be used to carry the Ark (Exodus 37). The ark had to be covered (Numbers 4). Specific families were set aside to carry the ark (Numbers 4). In other words, it was to be carried upon men's shoulders, only by Levites – only by the family of Kohath, and using the specified poles.

The process was important; Uzzah was in the midst of sinful disobedience. Once we are in that state, our intentions, no matter how good, will not bring us to righteousness – only a return to obedience.

Clearly the Scriptures tell us that no one knows the hour or day of God’s return. No one.

Clearly, the Scriptures tell us that we are not to add to God’s word.

Nowhere in Scripture are we instructed to “decode” secret meanings or mathematic formulas. Plenty of places we are given instructions to love each other, take care of each other, spread the Gospel, and make disciples.

The folks in Chronicles were to take care of the Ark, in the manner prescribed by God. Once outside that, their ‘good intentions’ were for naught, as they were being done outside His will.

Yes, we are called to spread the Gospel and make disciples, but anyone who is in violation of God’s basic tenets, as clearly prescribed in Scripture, can not make up for them with ‘good intentions’. They must obediently return to the Truth of the Word.

So must we all.

Lord willing, see you tomorrow.

And the day after, Pastor Jim


Unknown said...

Thank you Jim. There is no evidence in the Bible whatsoever as to when Jesus Christ will return. Not one single clue! It could happen a second from now…Well, it didn’t. Or it could happen two-thousand years from now, but we don’t know when it is going to happen. We should be prepared as though Christ were coming this very moment and prepare as though He may not come as yet for another millennium.May 21- the result in the end, it isn’t the prophecy pundits that are blamed, it is the Bible that is blamed. The Bible can’t be trusted. Christ’s name is dragged through the mud. Christ can’t be trusted.

What does all this mean to us? We people of faith need to be so familiar with the truth that when these counterfeits show their faces,we will know it immediately. We will not be fooled. As believers, we must give up sensationalism, and hold on to Scriptural truth.whil

Denise said...

I know, I know you are probably right... but it does kind of bring a new joy to my heart to really give Jesus' return serious consideration.

What would the world be like if Christians lived life 'as if' He was returning today or tomorrow? He tells us in Revelation 22 that it will be soon. The early Church lived with that hope because, well, 'soon' means soon!

So, as time went on, it seemed like 'soon' meant 'never'. And look at what things crept in to the Body of Messiah to kill, steal and destroy over the years, while we live like Jesus is not returning in our life time.

I, for one, am enjoying singing my 'rapture' songs today. And no matter where I am tomorrow, may I continue to look to God's Word for my life.

Pastor Jimmy, do you remember Mrs. Matthis playing for us in Sunday school, "... Say, will you be ready when Jesus comes... are your garments spotless, are they white as snow, will YOOOU be ready when Jesus comes!!??" Yeah, I really liked that then and now!