Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Culmination of Amazment

Scripture: Luke 2:18a

...All who heard it were amazed...
Is this entire story not amazing? And just as amazing today as ever.

Who in the Christmas story touches you?

The shepherds, called by the Lord from their work to see something more important than their work.

The wise men, the Magi, called by the Lord to travel a great distance, away from their home.

Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John, called by the Lord to prepare the way for Jesus' ministry.

Herod, called by the Lord with the opportunity to open the doors for the Messiah.

Joseph, called by the Lord to protect Mary and the Babe, to be a guardian of the Word.

Mary, called by the Lord to give her very self as a vessel, and to carry and nurture Jesus until His time.

All of these characters in the Christmas story had vital roles to play, as we have seen. I find it interesting that the lowly, the humble, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, faithfully followed their instructions. The one individual with the most Earthly power and authority, Herod, succumbed to evil.

With which one of these individuals do you relate to the most?

1. (The shepherd question)
Do you ever have to decide between your work and the Lord's calling?

2. (The Magi question)
Has God ever called you out of where you are in order to see Him?

3. (The John the Baptist question)
Have you ever felt that your ministry was strictly in support of another?

4. (The Herod question)
Have you ever let your own personal desires get in the way of God's calling?

5. (The Joseph question)
Have you ever found yourself in a position to protect the Word?

6. (The Mary question)
Have you ever felt that your role was to nurture the Body, such as your church?

Merry Christmas! Blessed Christmas! Pastor Jim

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