Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Full Armor

Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:10-11(NIV)

Wow...when we look at single phrases and verses, the power of the message really jumps out, does it not?

Put on the full armor...Paul has not yet described the armor, that is in the verses that follow...but do we see the importance here? Put on the full armor...part of the armor won't do! We cannot pick or choose what we will 'wear' and what we will not. To succeed, we need the full armor.

...of God...
We cannot rely on our own talents, strengths, ideas, or capabilities. We are fighting in the spiritual realm and need the full armor of God.

...so that you can take your stand...Though we are using His weapons, with His strength, we each have our own place on the front lines. We are each a vital warrior in His battle plan.

...against the devil's schemes. This is so important to remember! It is no mere mortal who plots against each of us, but that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.


1. What images does this passage bring to your mind?

2. How do you see this in terms of your everyday life?

3. Is this helpful to you, breaking down passages this way?

May we prepare daily. Jim


Quote of the Day: "A light glow began to shine and a warming sensation filled the cell and enveloped my weakened, starved frame. I felt strong arms around me, cradling me in the arms of Christ Himself." Haralan Popov

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