Thursday, March 10, 2011

Corrected Vision


So, here we are in Lent, a season, it is often said, of ‘self-reflection’. I think that is a good thing, we should always be doing that somewhat, but it is good to take a season and really focus on it. But we need to be careful when looking at ourselves; our eyesight just isn’t all that good. That’s why "we walk by faith and not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7) What we see is a misrepresentation of reality. Oh sure, we talk about “20 20 vision”, “seeing is believing” and the like. But what else have we learned?

We can only see so far, unaided. But a telescope shows us things about the moon and stars invisible to the naked eye.

And there’s stuff on our skin and in our water that we are blissfully ignorant about until we look into a microscope.

Hold a prism to the sunlight and see bands of light, always present, but otherwise unseen.

Our very lives depend upon the oxygen we breathe but never see.

They say dogs are colorblind, how different their vision is from ours, right in the same world.

Likewise is our vision; far short of what God sees.

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. “ 1 Cor. 13:12 (Remembering that first century mirrors were little more than polished metal.)

So certainly, please, spend some time reflecting this season. But do not rely on your own perception of righteousness – and for God’s sake, do not use the world’s standards.

Instead, use His Word as a sort of spiritual lens. If you need a place to start, read the book of James.

And pray. Pray by speaking, and pray, pray, pray by listening.

Sure, you’ll see a few more of the warts, the mistakes, the sin. But you know what? You will also see that when God looks at you He loves you more than you love yourself. Sure, your sins will beexposed but so will a greater measure of His love.

God’s vision is not impaired; He sees the you that you can be. “Man looks at outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

See you tomorrow, Pastor Jim

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