Friday, May 28, 2010

ListenDaily – 28 May 2010: A look at two...

ListenDaily – 28 May 2010: A look at two...

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)

Two verses, powerful verses, and in line with our recent discussions.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..."

The plain, painful, but simple truth is that we are not as smart as we think we are. Some people will say, "But God gave us brains..." And certainly, I agree; and I agree that God wants us to use them.

But...our understanding is always incomplete. Without God, our brains are useless. Period.

We can read all the books, talk to the experts, and on and on and on.

But a lot of me and a little of God isn't much. But less of me and more of God is everything.

In our relationship with God, success = obedience.

And, according to His Word, obedience = love.

1. How does this perspective strike you?
2. Can you make wise decisions without listening to God?
3. Now what?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain:
this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey,
in the absence, or in the teeth of inclination".
C.S. Lewis

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ListenDaily – 26 May 2010: Judging success; the remix

ListenDaily – 26 May 2010: Judging success; the remix

I said yesterday, that when it comes to our relationship with God, we must hone our definition of success, and that success = obedience. I referred to the following verse:

"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands." (1 John 5:1-3)

I received some hearty "amens". I also know that some folks probably can't help but say "yeah, but..." as in:

"Yeah but -- I didn't see the person come to Christ."
"Yeah but -- there is no change in the people I work with."
"Yeah but -- everything is still the same."
"Yeah but -- the church isn't growing ("won't grow", "growing too fast/too slow)."

This is why we must listen before we act, and be prepared to act, and for the results, before we act on what we are called to do.
"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled;
set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance." (1 Peter 1:13-14).

One of those desires, one of those evil desires, is to insist on success on our terms over God's. We must trust that God is God and we are not. We must "trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5:)

We must stop demanding success on our terms, success that can be measured with earthly measuring devices. We will always rely on those when we are not in harmony with God. Please, don't get me wrong, we may well see things that are successfully earthly standards while meeting God's call -- but we must never seek the former over the latter. Seeking earthly success, using earthly wisdom and logic over what God is calling for would leave the ark un-built, Isaac off the altar, the Israelites in Egypt, Peter in the boat, and me a sinner unsaved.

But -- in our relationship with God, success = obedience.

And, according to His Word, obedience = love.
1. How does this perspective strike you?
2. Do you find it frustrating to be a "planter" and not a "reaper"?
3. Now what?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain:
this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey,
in the absence, or in the teeth of inclination".
C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ListenDaily – 25 May 2010: Action

ListenDaily – 25 May 2010: Action

"Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." (Exodus 14:15)

We have been talking about listening to God. We were led into that by a talk about discernment. Discernment is a serious subject, and I don't want to rush past it, but I am compelled by the Spirit to talk today about taking action. There are a few things one must always consider concerning something God might be calling you to; an incomplete list would include:

- Will God be honored by this?
- Is it completely compatible with Scripture?
- Has God called me to do it (or to stop doing it)?

"Be still, and know that I am God." God counseled David, and us. "Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." The Israelites had already been told, by God, to "Go!", they did not need to stop, or await a second set of instructions. God pointed them in a direction and said "go".

If you have been still, and heard from the Lord. If you can act toward His glory, whether it be an easy or difficult action, and if you are not violating His Word, then go!

1. God calls all of us to something, do you agree?
2. Have you heard His call?
3. Now what?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain:
this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey,
in the absence, or in the teeth of inclination".
C.S. Lewis

ListenDaily – 26 May 2010: Judging success

ListenDaily – 26 May 2010: Judging success

We hear God calling. We discern it is indeed Him and respond. So then our venture should be successful, should it not? It definitely should -- but we must hone our definition of success. In our relationship with God, success = obedience.

"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands." (1 John 5:1-3)

Oh, we may see a great change in an individual, in our church, or in our community -- or we may not. The change may yet come, and we may trust that God spoke truth through Paul in the "one plants, one waters, but only God makes it grow' passage.

It could be that the change may not come at all, that someone else involved is not listening and responding.

It could be that God has a plan in which your actions are just one component, and with results you never get to see this side of glory.

But -- in our relationship with God, success = obedience.

And, according to His Word, obedience = love.

1. How does this perspective strike you?
2. Do you find it frustrating to be a "planter" and not a "reaper"?
3. Now what?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain:
this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey,
in the absence, or in the teeth of inclination".
C.S. Lewis

Thursday, May 20, 2010

ListenDaily – 20 May 2010: What?

ListenDaily – 20 May 2010: What?

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)

I love the guy who said that! I love that guy mostly because he's a lot like me.

I have friends who are suffering today, I'm sure you do too. And maybe you are suffering. Are we crying out to Jesus? If we are, are we believing He can or will help? The man who cried out to Jesus in this passage had just previously asked Jesus to help. "if" He could. Jesus replied 'If? What do you mean if?' Maybe this is a good place to start, or to take a next step. Figuring out if God will is one thing, His will takes many things into account and we only see our own little 'through a straw' view of any situation, while He sees everything.

But never doubt He can.

I know that saying "never do this" may be easier than it sounds. I also think it will be a great help if you separate the "can God" from the "will God" questions in your mind. If you believe He can, you might be more willing to ask, and more able to hear.

And more willing to hear.

1. Do you think your believing affects your hearing?
2. Then could your hearing affect your believing?
3. Are you willing to keep listening?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper
1. Is control an issue for you?
2. In any specific areas of your life?
3. Might that affect your ability to hear God?
May we persevere. Jim.


"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ListenDaily – 19 May 2010: What are you listening to?

ListenDaily – 19 May 2010: What are you listening to?

So, one obstacle to hearing God may be our unwillingness to let go. I think that makes sense. I also think that may be compounded by whether or not we believe we can hear. If someone asked me who my favorite guy in the Bible is, well Jesus, of course. But if you count only the guys who aren't also God, my favorite Biblical character is "the boy's father" from the ninth chapter of Mark, the one who said: "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
I love that guy! He had a problem, took it to Jesus, and asked for His help...but..."If you can do anything..." is what squeaked out. He believed, and yet he reserved the right to a little disbelief.

I love that guy mostly because he's a lot like me.

It was good for him to be able to hear Jesus' reply: "'If you can'? Everything is possible for him who believes."

Friends, God is saying the same thing to you right now. Are you starting your day trying to listen? Keep at it, please! God will speak to you. It's like the old story (author unknown), "Hearing the Cricket":
"A Native American was walking in downtown New York City alongside a resident friend. As they approached a busy street corner in the center of Manhattan, the Indian seized his friend’s arm and whispered, “Wait. I hear a cricket.” “Come on!”, the city boy sneered, “This is downtown New York — how could you possibly hear a cricket?” His friend persisted however, “No – seriously, I do!” As cars were roaring, horns honking, people shouting, brakes screeching, cash registers clanging, subway clamoring and people bustling about, the Indian began leading his friend along slowly, every now and again stopping and turning his ear toward the seemingly noiseless sound. At last, the Indian insisted they were near and proceeded to follow the sound across the street and toward a small dark corner next to a graffiti covered wall. There, he bent down to a minuscule tuft of grass and pulled out the cricket. “I told, you”, he said, “I heard a cricket.”
Astounded, the New Yorker marveled “How could you have heard that cricket in the middle of all this noise?” “Well”, said his foreign friend, “My ears are different from yours. It simply depends on what you’re listening to. Here, let me show you what I mean.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change –a couple of quarters, three or four nickels, and a dime and a few pennies. “Now,” he said, “watch this.” He held the coins waist high and dropped them to the sidewalk. At once, every head within nearly a block turned around and looked in the direction of the Indian. “You see, it all depends on what you’re listening to.”
It all depends on what you’re listening to.
1. Are you more inclined to hear the 'crickets' or the 'coins'?
2. Is it possible that God is talking to you and you just can't hear?
3. Are you willing to keep listening?
May we keep listening. Jim.


"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper
1. Is control an issue for you?
2. In any specific areas of your life?
3. Might that affect your ability to hear God?
May we persevere. Jim.


"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ListenDaily – 18 May 2010: Left or right?

ListenDaily – 18 May 2010: Left or right?

So, which way do you turn, left or right?

I am not talking about political leanings or traffic decisions, I'm talking about boarding an airplane of course.

Of course.

I have had more than one person respond that the 'listening' part of the 1-2-3 program is very difficult, and I agree, and, there are may reasons for that, one being control. I meet an awful lot of people who say they have 'control issues', or 'have to be in control all the time' because they are 'control freaks'. I can kind of get that, there's some "me too" in this area also, but on the other side -- hogwash.

No one is in control all of the time. Control is a facade. You're in control of your car until someone runs a stop sign.

You're in control of your kids' lives until someone at school hurts them.

You're in control of your life until the doctor says "It's cancer."

But it's not just about losing control either. We all voluntarily give up control on a regular basis.

Back to boarding an airplane -- left or right?

When you get on an airplane do you turn left toward the cockpit, or right toward the passenger seating? Do you demand control, or do you give it over to the one who knows how to fly? Do you even want to be in control of a situation for which you are not prepared, or do you prefer to turn that particular thing over to the expert? The same type of choices hit us everyday (who cooks your meals, who drives your kids to school, etc.) .

"Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." (James 4:13-17)

So, left or right? Insist on control or turn it over to the One who knows how to fly?

Understanding that we are not really in control might just increase your desire, and ability, to hear Him.

1. Is control an issue for you?
2. In any specific areas of your life?
3. Might that affect your ability to hear God?
May we persevere. Jim.


"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ListenDaily – 13 May 2010: The mathematics of prayer

ListenDaily – 13 May 2010: The mathematics of prayer

"Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

In algebraic terms:

Be still = know God, or Being still = knowing God

Remember algebra? A "not" on one side requires a "not" on the other side, to remain equal, so:

Not being still = not knowing God.

I'm not sure how all this ties together, but I presided over a funeral this morning, for a 36 year old, young man. A week ago he walked into his fiancee's living room, where she was sitting on the couch, he put a revolver in his mouth and ended his life. I heard a lot today about the "demons" that plagued him, that kept him unsettled. That while he had found the love of his life, he could not find peace. I don't know any more about his life, or hers, or his family's.

But I am praying that they can hear that God loves them and wants to walk through this with them.

I'm praying that they can be still; that they can know God.

It would make all the difference.

Maybe you can take a moment and pray for them too.

And don't forget to take some time for your self, take some time for God.

Please, please, be still.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ListenDaily – 12 May 2010: The hardest three minutes of the day.

ListenDaily – 12 May 2010: The hardest three minutes of the day.

Let us continue the 1-2-3 challenge. In case you're just tuning in, it's explained below.

I really appreciated hearing from fellow strugglers yesterday and today...

The third minute of the 1-2-3 says: "Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening."

"Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes."

I wake up to an alarm clock. I don't use, but have the options of alarms on my cell phone and a clock radio.


In my bedroom, aside from the alarms, are a television and a CD/radio player.

In the kitchen is my wife's IPOD adapter that plays music.

I can't tell you how many audio/video appliances are in the kids' rooms.

The living room houses a TV, a computer with speakers, another radio - not to mention the piano.

The hallways and bathrooms are relatively audio free -- well, I do sing in the shower, too loudly according to my kids.

Our vehicles each have radio/CD players, plus MP3 player adapters.

"Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

Friends, we have to be intentional about stillness. Many people have said how hard it is to be quiet for three minutes. And while I get it, part of me wants to's only three minutes! And if we can't be quiet, how can we hear? Have you ever tried to speak to a child who wouldn't sit still and pay attention? If we can't be quiet (for three minutes?), aren't we being that child?

It takes work, but oh my, it is well worth it.

1. Is it difficult for you to "be still" for three minutes?
2. Is that an obstacle to hearing?
3. What is your greatest need and biggest hurdle in this area?
May we persevere. Jim.


"Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God,
not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do.
Expect unexpected things, above all that we ask or think.
Each time, before you Intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory.
Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people.
Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things!"
Andrew Murray

"If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a glass slipper on a gouty foot."
John Bunyan

"All the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms."
Blaise Pascal


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ListenDaily – 11 May 2010: Easy as 1-2-3? Yeah, right...(An admission of failure)

ListenDaily – 11 May 2010: Easy as 1-2-3? Yeah, right...(An admission of failure)

Let us continue the 1-2-3 challenge. In case you're just tuning in, it's explained below.

I have been really busy.

Crazy busy.

Way too busy to write. And on some days, to busy to do what I have been asking you to do.

I don't mean to be hypocritical. God knows the intention of my heart, and, He knows the failures of my flesh. I'm not the first person to struggle in this area.

The second minute of the 1-2-3 says: "Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him."

He showed me a few things in His Word this morning:

"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:38-42

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3

Focusing on God may not be easy -- but it is right. (Luke 10:38-42 )

Transformation is not easy -- but it is what God commands us to do. (Romans 12:2)

Our attempts to draw close to Him will be met with setbacks and stumbling blocks -- but we will become stronger and more able. (James 1:2-3)

1. Have you tried the "1-2-3" (or something similar)? Did you suffer setbacks? Did you quit?
2. Are you willing to press on, or re-start?
3. What is your greatest need and biggest hurdle in this area?
May we persevere. Jim.


"We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity, but we accomplish little; many services but few conversions; much machinery but few results." Reuben Archer Torrey

"It was always about mere questions that the Pharisees were so busy." Johann Albrecht Bengel

"The pharisees minded what God spoke, but not what He intended....They were busy in the outward work of the hand, but incurious of the affections and choice of the heart. So God was served in the letter, they did not much inquire into His purpose; and therefore they were curious to wash their hands, but cared not to purify their hearts." Jeremy Taylor


Starting today, and then first thing tomorrow morning, I challenge you to listen to God, with this five minute exercise:

1) Do this as soon as you wake up. Set your clock a few minutes early if that is what you need to get up ahead of the household noise. Lay your Bible by your bed as a reminder.

2) Go to the quietest place in your house, outside, your kitchen, your bathroom...wherever.

3) Pray for 1 minute that God would speak to you. Audibly, out loud, ask Him to remove Satan from your presence for this time. Ask Him to remove distractions and mental clutter. During this time, do not ask Him for anything else, do not thank Him for anything else, do not pray for anyone else (but please find another prayer time for all these things).

4) Open your Bible and read for 2 minutes. This is God talking to you through His Word. Listen to Him.

5) Close your Bible and be silent for 3 minutes. Listen for Him. He may come as a thought, a nudge, an idea. For a while, He may seem hard to hear. There is so much clutter in our minds! Keep listening.

This may seem difficult. You will hear every creaking tree branch. You will hear every barking dog. But like Elijah's time in the cave, God is not in the tree branch, God is not in the dog. Persevere. Listen for the gentle whisper