Monday, March 22, 2010

ListenDaily – 22 March 2010: How would you answer these questions?

ListenDaily – 22 March 2010: How would you answer these questions?

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

We begin a new thing today, here in this (for must of us) beginning of spring. I have had so many discussions lately, concerning God's work, church work, folks' lack of rest, feeling unsettled, feeling unsure of what God wants them to do, and on and on. Some of these discussions have been with people in my local church, some from other churches, some not from any church at all.

Some folks feel like they want to do something at their church, but not sure what they should do; others feel overworked at church, and yet without a sense of fulfillment that they are accomplishing what God wants them to accomplish.

Doing God's work may not always be church work, and church work may not always be God's work. And not every job in the local church is for everyone, but there is a job in the local church for almost everyone.

And God's work is not limited to or by the local church.

So then, as we begin, please consider the following questions:

1) What are the 1 or 2 things I love to do and feel God is calling me to?
2) What am I doing that fits neither of the above criteria?

3) What do I wish I was getting from church that I am not?

If you have the time, and are so inclined, please respond. Let me know if you would like your responses to be kept confidential.

May God bless us as we seek to seek Him, Jim

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