Monday, December 15, 2008

ListenDaily - 15 December 2008; Only Ten Shopping Days...

"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:23

(find this or any other passage at

OK, OK, I know...there is a LOT to do before Christmas. And I know we talk a lot about the "reason for the season". I also know that I have four kids and while we emphasize the Birth of our Savior, we also enjoy presents under the tree. Nice presents. Wrapped. Which requires shopping in crowded stores with grumpy people.

But you know something? That one thing right there, is something you can have an impact on.

Choose not to be grumpy. Smile as you shop.

Does the "Happy Holidays" over "Merry Christmas" deal bother you? Tell the cashier "Have a blessed day", "God bless you", "Have a blessed Christmas". You can be clear about your own wishes!

On the first Christmas, Mary gave birth to a Son, Jesus, Immanuel, "God with us."
Say it..."God is with me."

Say it in the mall..."God is with me."

Say it in Wal-Mart..."God is with me."

Say it going in for (or coming out of) final exams..."God is with me."

Say it going to work..."God is with me."

Say it coming home..."God is with me."

Say it while putting up the tree or wrapping presents..."God is with me."

Say it going to church..."God is with me."

Say this to your family; say it today..."Immanuel...God is with us."
1. How does the idea of "God with us" impact you?

2. Is it a part of you every day life?

3. Is it the entirety of your life?


"Immanuel, God with us in our nature,
in our sorrow, in our lifework,
in our punishment, in our grave,
now with us, or rather we with Him,
in resurrection, ascension, triumph,
and Second Advent splendor."
Charles Spurgeon

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