Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Limited Vision

Limited Vision
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)

"We walk by faith, not by sight."

How well do you see? In general I see pretty well. From where I sit right now, I can see out my back window, the sun, my son walking the dog. I can see my hands on the keyboard, and looking up I can see a glass of water on the desk.

If I looked at my hands under a microscope, or the water the same way, I would see all kinds of cells, bacteria, and other microscopic objects.

What would happen if I held a prism up to the sunlight? I would see colors of light shine through, not visible to the naked eye.

Although skin cells, bacteria, and the many shades of light are not visible to the naked eye, they are still very real. We know this and accept it about things in the natural world, although not so many decades ago they were unknown. Known or not, still, they existed; and reading science's take on the world from that time seems ridiculous now.

And so it is with things in the supernatural world! Satan exists, as do the demons that serve him. The better news exists that the Holy Spirit moves in and around us at all times, ready to intervene on our behalf. I think God may have set up an invisible world of light and microscopic components, that one day we may discover them and so begin to believe in other things beyond our vision.

Why is it that the world so easily accepts that there are certainly some things that exist that they cannot see...but have such a difficult time accepting that there are others? One day, everyone will see that which must be taken on faith now.

That anyone ever doubted now, what will then be such a powerful, obvious presence...well, for some it will be a moment in which they will feel the thrill of having overcome that doubt...for others, it will be tragedy.

Let us pray that God will help us through these lessons, that many more will accept that which they cannot see with their limited vision.
"Faith is to believe what we do not see,
and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe."Augustine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What do you think of this perspective? Might it help you share God with someone? What else about the natural world helps you understand God?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Faith, Not Sight

"We walk by faith, not by sight."

What an intriguing verse. Seven words, oft repeated in sermons, Bible studies, movies... remember Indiana Jones' 'leap of faith'? It is a good thought, a practice to which we should aspire, a helpful reminder, a nice credo...but does it require any deeper investigation or study? Is it not pretty straight forward?

The image that comes quickly to mind here, and the one I have heard most often taught, is that we are to close our eyes and 'step out' in faith. We even use the term "blind faith".

I think there is more to this (no pun intended) than meets the eye.

What do you think?
"Faith is to believe what we do not see,
and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe."Augustine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. What does this verse say to you?

2. How do you define "faith"?

3. How do you define "sight"?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I was just wondering...

I was just wondering...what would happen if we followed Jesus' commandment to seek the Kingdom first...?